Will God Ever ForGive Me
We’ve all been overcome with guilt and grief. We all have past mistakes that haunt us from time to time. We’ve also all wondered whether God will forgive us for these sins. I’ve certainly been there and I’m sure you have too.
What is important to remember is that there is a key that can unlock God’s mercy and forgiveness. That key is tawbah – sincere repentance. It is an active process which requires regret on our part and sheer determination to never commit the sin again. After all, each one of us sins, but the best of us are those who repent.
An example that gives me hope is the example of the brothers of Prophet Yusuf. They betrayed their father and did what they thought was the unforgivable. They separated a small child from his father and left him for dead. The years that followed were full of remorse and regret. Would they ever be able to turn their lives around and gain closeness to God?
Let us reflect on the dream Prophet Yusuf had at the beginning of the story. He saw 11 stars as well as the sun and the moon prostrating to him. Let us not forget that those 11 stars were in fact his 11 brothers, who by the end of the story had sought forgiveness from both Yusuf and their father. Imagine, God had depicted them as bright stars even after the dark sins they had committed! They managed to turn their lives around through repentance and move on from their mistakes, and the bottom line is we can too.
The next time you feel hopeless, read and reflect on this powerful lesson from Surah Yusuf. As well as this, remember the following verse: “And it is He who accepts repentance from His servants, and pardons all misdeeds, and He knows what you do.” (42:25)